Wilder Associates

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Speaking in Romania

Timisoara, Romania 19-21st September 2014

Professionals, students and government professionals convened in the town of Timisoara to discuss, debate and hold workshops on the subject of Green Infrastructure. With a line up including speakers from Romania, Hungary, Israel and the UK, delegates were taken on a journey exploring the role of green infrastructure within the urban environment followed by workshops exploring the physical and spiritual properties of water.

The conference included a public debate on green infrastructure, held in the street, that crossed over into the social, cultural and political motivations for greener streets focusing on drivers and blockages for change. The public forum attracted members of the oublic to stop and consider the possibilities for change in the streets of Timisoara.

Key Speakers:

Andrei Condoros – President of the Romanian Landscape Architects Association, Western region
Ciprian Cadariu – Head Architect, Timisoara City Hall
Leor Lovinger – Studio Urnbanhof, Israel
Paunita Luliana Boanca – University of Agricultural Sciences Romania
Dusty Gedge – President of the European Federation of Green Roof Associations
Peter Wilder – Wilder Associates